Turning lead into gold… what a thought.
The initial goal of transmuting lead into gold was not solely a matter of material wealth. But symbolized spiritual and personal transformation.
However, right now, we are only talking about physically transmuting anything from anything. Theoretically on a large enough scale it would be possible if humans had unlimited resources. We are still very far off. however i do feel moving forward after a few quantum computers running AI models of this concept we may be closer than one might think.
Picture this, a machine that can get an input of matter, and add or subtract as many protons as necessary to be able to create anything. Throw in any matter and rearrange each element and ultimately molecule to be able to create anything. imagine, throw in some pure lead, the machine smashes a solid 6 extra protons to each atom. and boom, we got gold. Now imagine this on a larger scale, rearranging atomic weight of elements and rearranging them in order to form whatever the printer was programmed to . The ultimate physical alchemy, going back to the roots of physical alchemy.
The funny thing is. This has been done, however currently it requires so much money and energy to run, and we can only do it with one or two atoms at a time. however, the first calculator took up a warehouse. it doesn’t make financial sense for people to continue to do it in this current age. But on a small scale using particle accelerators we have done this, we have successfully converted lead into gold.
The mere fact that it has been done, regardless of how efficient, gives me hope for the future.
But picture this, you have an old chair, and you want a new chair, or table, or brick of gold, or whatever, you chuck it into the alchemical 3D printer and boom, it rearranges the particles of the chair and creates you a brand new chair, converting matter and the very fabric of what we live in, perhaps we would be able to use air as matter, just a machine that rearranges the protons in each atom, forget about lead into gold, lets turn plastic into glass, or glass into candy, it can all theoretically be done, it is far beyond our current scope, I doubt the ultimate alchemical 3d-printer will be hitting the shelves anytime soon. but i don’t see how this would not be the natural progression, we would be able to build things out of anything, make a battery out of a sandwich, build steel out of the hydrogen in the atmosphere. build oasis’s on other planets.
It would change the game.
If we don’t kill ourselves off I see humans creating such a thing. I think it is definitely apart of our potential. I’m not working on such a project… but a man can dream.